Years ago on the long-lost early Dora Hall fan site Dora's World there was mention of Dora appearing with her grandkids on the television program I've Got a Secret. The secret that the kids had was that their grandma put out a rock and roll record. There was a link so view the program but it was dead, and any attempts over the past several years to view this appearance have come up short. UNTIL NOW. The Bill Cullen Archive has posted the episode in its entirety!

This appearance is wonderful for many reasons. One reason is that Dora's MANY grandchildren are adorable and they also don't seem to understand how the game works. They often answer the panel questions incorrectly, if at all, and it's up to host Steve Allen to give the correct response.

This is a very exciting acquisition for the gang at Hall of Dora! Our pal Lisa, champion of the diggers, tracked this one down in Colorado. This is a sealed copy of the Premore Inc release of Willie Nelson 'Collector's Edition Promo' (Premore PL-66), and it's also the first Dora related cassette to make its way into the archive. Thanks, Lisa!

The first thing to note with this is that the cassette is mounted on a display flat of the LP cover art.

Happy Hall-idays from your pals at Hall of Dora! With Christmas right around the corner, this seemed like an ideal time to take a look at three of Dora Hall's Christmas singles. One of my favorite things about Dora's vast catalog of LPs and singles is that she would sometimes revisit songs, or she would release different versions that appeared to be culled from the same session. Case in point, her Green Door variations.

Still from Spats Bear's reel of Dora Hall rehearsal footage

Hey, it's your pals at Hall of Dora! It's been a bit. Sorry about that. We'll blame it on the pandemic, because it's as good an excuse as any, but there's really no excuse. Just lots and lots of sorry.

ANYWAY, the reason this post exists is nothing less than a miracle. A random YouTube search for Dora Hall stuff revealed that ten months ago a real live video hero uploaded rehearsal footage from Dora's Once Upon a Tour special.

A couple of shirts, a silk screening setup, and too much time, equals some super sweet Calamo Records shirts!  Thanks to the Mankato Makerspace for the training and tools to indulge our nerdy fashion sense!

The other day we acquired Young Broadway, Young Hollywood (Cozy Records PL-1007) by Bill Justis.  Actually the album appears to be called Dora Hall's Hall of Fame: Young Broadway, Young Hollywood, and Bill Justis is credited as Musical Director, but since Dora doesn't sing on it we're calling it a Bill Justis album.  The record is filled with great easy listening versions of songs from movies and musicals from the late sixties, and it's worth picking up even if you aren't a Dora Hall completist.

Dora Hall released several songs many times across all of her labels.  She released the song Franklin Street at least eight times on singles over the years.  We haven't had a chance to review all eight releases for any variations, but one listen to the version on Calamo (backed by I Wanna Be Around) lets you know right away that this is Dora backed by a crack studio crew, and she's giving it her all, as she always did.

Billboard 12-15-62

Long time no update!  We've been up to quite a bit lately, but very little of it has been on the blog.  A few months ago we were contacted by an amazingly generous collector who sent us an amazing Dora Hall collection, including some fan club items that we've never seen before!  Thank you, Michael, for helping with the cause!  We've only just started adding the singles to the discography, but a lot of holes will be filled on the lists.

This is the official want list for Hall Of Dora.  It is compiled from a cross check of Discogs and the databases, but random searches have revealed several titles that are not on either of those sites.  Basically, this is as comprehensive a list as possible at this time.

Non-Dora Label 45s

Drum Boy Records

Dora Hall & The Hall Room Boys

Herman Take Me Home (DB 119 A)/You Call Everybody Darling (DB 119 B)

King (UK Label)

Is this the only Dora Hall record released outside the U.S.?

Dora Hall with the Don Ralke Orchestra

Hello Faithless (KG 1003)/You've Got Me Cryin' Again (KG 1003)

Dot Records

Flowers On The Wall (810P-5820)/1-2-3 (810P-5820)

I Like It Like That (835P-5816DJ)/Just My Style (835P-5816DJ)

Satisfaction (810P-5814 DJ)/5 O'Clock World (810P-
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